Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Poster design mock-ups

We started off with the idea of using a school photo as our main image. This would give a good portrayal of Ben as it was a large, focussed image that showed how he felt about school life. This is an image that we found on the internet, that we liked the colour and pose of.

 After having this idea we thought that bringing facebook into the idea would be interesting as facebook is such a universal thing now and even when you die, your facebook profile will stay for ever. To create this blue line we had to download a photo from the internet where we then copied the ink colour into Photoshop and colour filled it into a rectangle selection.
 To find the facebook font we had to search the internet to download it but no exact replicas were found that we could download so instead we found 'new facebook' font, which we then downloaded from 'dafont'. We then had to save it into our fonts folder which saved. When typing on Phjotoshop all we had to do was click on this new font and it was there.
 After completing the poster to our own design, we found a picture of credits and downloaded this to fit underneath our poster.

Before completion we decided to blur his face in a bit using the 'motion blur' tool on photoshop. This was a good effect as it made the fact he had died but his facebook was still there more of a statement.

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